Support Us

We are SO proud of everything our singers have accomplished, especially in the past few years. We have watched their confidence, friendship, musicianship, leadership, and joy blossom. As of the 2023-2024 season we have rebuilt our membership to half of what it was pre-pandemic, and we know there are so many more singers-to-be out there waiting to access the endless benefits of music education. The lasting impact of the pandemic on top of steady defunding for school music programs has left a gap in the skills and experience of many students who might otherwise flock to choir. We know how crucial music-making is for the mental health of all young learners, and we want to ensure that more students have access to collective singing opportunities through PCC.

We have a small, dedicated team working hard to set us up for long term financial sustainability so that we can provide inclusive, accessible, exciting, high quality programming to meet the changing needs of young people in Nogojiwanong | Peterborough, and we need your help! Individual donations (especially the monthly kind) are increasingly important to ensure we can purchase new music, transport our singers to important events, cover venue costs, and offer bursaries to families who need them.

Every single dollar makes a difference! 




We are also actively seeking for volunteers and board members. Please get in touch with your expression of interest!


Deep thanks to all our funders, sponsors, and donors. We would not be here without you!





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